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Can Yoga reduce weight :

We live in a weight-obsessed culture that sets extremely high standards for attractiveness and sets great penalties for being overweight. When it comes to weight loss, many women—overweight or not—believe that their lives would greatly improve by losing weight.

Some women would do or pay anything to achieve this goal, hence the lucrative dieting industry and the myriad purveyors of pills, potions, and programs. Clever marketing, aided by the media’s endorsement of such new weight-loss miracle, entices millions of people to part with their money for short-term results at best. In a society that craves instant gratification, companies have to keep coming up with products that promise quicker, more fabulous results.

Yet we know that statistically, most people who lose weight and up gaining it back.

How Yoga helps in weight loss

The practice of hatha yoga has been proven throughout the ages to be one of the most effective ways to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle that, over time, will lead to permanent, healthy weight; Hatha yoga is the science of physical body, which includes a range style from gentle to athletic. The practice of yoga includes postures(asanas); breathing techniques(pranayama); and visualization, and meditation techniques.

Which yoga is best for weight loss

Several yoga poses, combined in a sequence and performed dynamically, are called a vinyasa (sun salutation). They greatly enhance the way your body burns fat by increasing body heat and thus raising your metabolic rate.

You can safely reach your desired weight-loss goal by using these yoga routine.  Day by day, you will increase the aerobic capacity of your heart; your body’s ability to burn fat; and your physical, mantel and emotional stamina. By regular practicing these techniques and eating balanced diet, you can attain and maintain a permanent, healthy weight without pills or program. You can confidently expect to drop a dress size in 7 week.

Through the regular practice of yoga, you can also avoid many of the health problems associated with being overweight, such as

  • Stress the heart;
  • Diabetes;
  • High blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which increase risk of heart disease;
  • Arthritis and pressure on the joints;
  • Risk of gallstones;
  • Risk of sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, which is associated with heart disease;
  • Premature death;
  • Thyroid;

Lose weight by practicing Yoga

You don’t need to diet and exercise strenuously to lose weight. By programing the simple 40-minuts yoga routines presented in this blog. You can confidently expect to drop a dress size in just 7-weeks you will not only gain only lean muscle tissue and increase your metabolism, but you will feel more positive, with a greater sense of well-being.

  • Tone and strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, so you will look and feel slimmer.
  • Improve the health and function of your digestive system.
  • Increase your oxygen levels and your metabolic rate so your body can process food more efficiently.
  • Improve the way your body loses and maintains weight by nourishing your endocrine glands.
  • Help you, through visualization, to release any negative attitudes, beliefs, or values that might be sapping your energy.

How yoga helps in weight loss

Vinyasa (sun salutation)

The most popular vinyasa salute to the sun is a 12 sequence. You should be able to complete seven repetition in 10-15 minutes. Symbolically, this sequence draws in energy from the sun so it can be used for your highest purposes throughout the day; ideally, it is done first thing in the morning.

Sun salutation or vinyasa

  • Breath normal ( Prayer Pose ) Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands in front of your chest palm together finger pointing up.
  • Inhaling ( Hast Uttan Pose ) extend your arms overhead, and arch backward slightly. (note: this pose create a lock over your parathyroid glands, for calcium balance and your adrenal glands, which control stress level)
  • Exhaling, ( Paad Hast Pose ) bend forward, keeping your palm flat on the floor, outside your feet, look down on the toes.
  • Inhaling, ( Ashwa Sanchalan Pose ) step your left leg straight back, bend your right knee in front your lunge, extend through your chin.
  • Exhaling, ( Plank Pose ) extend your right leg straight back and tighten your abdominal muscles while supporting your body weight on locked arms and your toes.
  • Inhale then exhale, ( Ashtang Namskar Pose ) drop your knees down on the floor and the bend your elbow down your chest and chin also on the floor keep a strong arch in your lower back.
  • Inhaling, ( Cobra Pose ) lift up your chest, straight your elbows, facing towards up, role your shoulder back.
  • Exhaling, ( Mountain Pose ) turn your toes under your feet support, lift up your hips up, touch your heals on the floor, your head between your shoulder, keep your feet together.
  • Inhaling, ( Ashwa Sanchalan Pose ) step your left feet forward between your palms, bending left leg into a lunge, drop your right knee to the floor, look forward.
  • Exhaling, ( Paad Hast Pose ) step your right feet forward to meet your left feet, drop your upper body down towards your thigh.
  • Inhaling, ( Hast Uttan Pose ) stretch your arms forward; straighten up and raise your arms overhead; and arch backward strongly, with your head back.
  • Exhaling, ( Prayer Pose ) bring your hands to your chest palm together, finger pointing up. Close your eyes inhale deeply and slowly, and relies your hands to your sides.

Which yoga asana (pose) helps in weight loss

Uttanpad Asana – this asana strengthens the abdominal muscles and massage the organs. It strengthens the digestive system, lower back, pelvic and perineal muscles. Helps in manage metabolic rate and fast reduce belly fat.

Practice – lie down on the mat from back side, palm flat on the floor just beside your thigh, slowly lift up your both legs up on 30digree and hold for 10-15 second then slowly down your leg. Do 3 times.

Dhanur Asana —  the entire alimentary canal is reconditioned by this asana. The liver, abdominal organs, and muscles are massaged. The pancreas and adrenal gland are toned. Also helps in breathing problems, excess weight is reduced around the abdominal area.

Practice – lie flat on the stomach with the legs and feet together, band your both knee and catch your both ankle with your both palm, tense the leg muscles and push the feet away from body, arch the back, lifting the thighs, chest and together. Keep the arms straight.

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